1. Minimum System Requirements 最低配置
CPU with Dual core processor (Core duo 2 or better) 英特爾酷睿雙核或以上.
Intel Core2Duo @ 1.8Ghz on Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 主頻1.8 GHZ
1 Gigabyte of RAM (2 GB required for Windows Vista / Windows 7) 1G內(nèi)存(2G針對vista和7)
DirectX 9.0c Compatible 3D accelerated 256 MB video card or equivalent 支持DX9的256M顯存的3D加速顯卡 (接下來會說明)
(must support Shader Model 3.0 or above - see supported chipsets in section two)必須支持shader model 3.0或以上
DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card? DX9 兼容聲卡'
512Kbps or greater broadband connection for online gameplay? 網(wǎng)絡對戰(zhàn)512K寬帶連接
MS compatible mouse MS兼容鼠標
Keyboard 鍵盤
Install size varies by region (languages in brackets): 各地區(qū)正式版安裝文件大小??????????
North America DD? 北美數(shù)字版?????????????? : 5.23 GB
North America ISO? 北美鏡像版????????????? : 5.23 GB
Western European DD? 西歐數(shù)字版??????????? : 6.12 GB
Western European ISO? 西歐鏡像版????????? : 6.12 GB
Eastern European DD?? 東歐數(shù)字版????????? : 6.31 GB
Eastern European ISO?? 東歐鏡像版???????? : 6.32 GB
Southern European DD?? 南歐數(shù)字版???????? : 5.52 GB
Southern European ISO? 南歐鏡像版???????? : 5.52 GB